
dad of nora kate and edwin, step dad of klaire. husband of kandace. brother of sean (+brianne), brad, seth, amanda (+tyler), and katie (+amber). uncle to many nieces and nephews. cousin. friend.
licensed contractor, self employed, remodel/reconstruction.
analytical, hard worker, spider monkey, fixer of all things, researcher, loyal, dedicated, reliable, introvert.
loves: all things camping, boating, fishing, archery, hiking, shooting, dirt bikes, sleep, a clean house and work space, helping others, chocolate, cookies, water sports, canoeing, biking, daddy doing/snuggling, home depot, bass pro shopping, anything his kids do that are funny, street food, tacos, horticulture, rock music, iced tea, tools, howard stern, vacations, family time, concerts.
dislikes: messes, all vegetarian meals, kandace’s green smoothies, crowds, rude people, bad drivers, cold weather, raking leaves.
seeking: better work to life to family time balance, family travel, meet new people from around the world, improving health.